Cutting Hair /Beard & Wanting To Fit In


8:34 am Monday

It is Monday, a beautiful, sunny warm day.

Shuna cut my hair and beard on Saturday.

Viggo wanted his hair cut like his Papa, pretty cute!

We cut his hair too, and we are now matchers!

Viggo had a big day yesterday.  It was his first time playing with

kids in the neighborhood. They mostly seem to be much older than he is.

The beautiful weather really brought the kids outside, which is rare.

He is able to ride his bike all over, but we want to keep him very close. It is nice we live on a pretty quiet dead end street, but there is still some traffic.  I explained to one of the 9 year old kids he was playing with that Viggo is only 4 and recently out of diapers and he needs to stay close to our house.

We don’t want him to get hit by a car.  The kid seemed to understand and was kind to Viggo, which was nice to see.

I could see how much Viggo wanted to play and that he is very responsive to fit in and be part of the fun.  Viggo just told me he is able to pedal up the hill now, and wonders why he is able to do it now when he couldn’t before.  I told him he is getting stronger and getting better at riding his bike.  I told him I was proud of him and that I love him.

I am a little concerned about what values Viggo gets exposed to and what ones he might adopt, or which might adopt him.

We are working on our values as a family and it is not an easy task.  I am concerned our values and behaviors will not be as compelling  to

Viggo as other values might be.

Viggo was just telling me about a dream he had about a chocolate eagle that likes to eat everything.  It eats saw blades, chickens, stove pipes, stoves, axes…etc.

It does not eat horses or bananas.  It lives in a hole in the ground.  It does not mess with grown-ups but it does mess with babies.  It does not like guns, swords, clubs, spears, or sledgehammers.

The desire to fit in seems to be hardwired in us.  To see my son so animated to fit in is revealing.  I am guessing I want to fit in desperately too.

What does it mean to fit in?
I am guessing what every group of people we are around, we what to blend in with.

Who we are and how we define ourselves seems to be married to how we long to fit in to whatever group we identify with.

I believe this idea is worth more exploration.

I am thankful for this opportunity.