We want what we want because we want it!


10:46 am Friday

I did yoga.

My back is bothering me.  I took Aleve.

I want  to work on losing weight.

Viggo has a cold and has tons of snot.

He is in very good spirits all the same.

He had his friend come over yesterday.

The conversation of values is already coming up with Viggo.

Why we don’t want him to watch TV and why we want to shelter him

while we work to instill our own values in him.

How one day he will need to decide what he values and who he wants to be.

These are great conversations.  I am finding that he, like most of us, does not want to explore why he wants what he wants and how he does not like to have restrictions. He wants to do what he wants to do without knowing why he wants to do it and is reluctant to investigate,and resentful of being hindered in his pursuits of what he wants.

This sounds like being human.

I am thankful for this opportunity.