If we matter, how can we not be the answer. 1 + 0 = 1


7:28 am Tuesday

It is Tuesday.

I will go on a walk.

I went on two walks and a ride yesterday.

My back was doing very poorly yesterday morning, but today it is a lot better.

I am employing what I believe is the scientific method.

I observed in the past that walking seemed to help my back.

I walked 4 to 5 times a week, twice a day.  I walked around 6 miles a day.

My hypothesis is if I walk twice a day, 6 miles, 4 to 5 times a week, my back will be doing much better.

I will test this by walking as described.  My control groups and test groups are not defined well, but the recent past will have to do for the control group and the present and future as the test group.

The long and the short of it is I believe this will help.  This chronic pain is motivating enough for me to make a change and that is a positive.

I want to change the world or at least see it and appreciate it.  This all seems like a challenge that I may not be up for. At our farm we want to encourage the values of ATM, but it is very difficult to hold the course.

I was listening to the radio about what people want to invest in, venture capitalists, and technology seems to be it.  I am not even sure what technology is.

It did get me considering what do we have to offer this world and all I could come up with is Robotic Horses for therapeutic, equestrian and military uses.

Shuna hates this concept and for good reason. This vision is the opposite of the values we are pursuing.

Horses were an organic technology that helped humanity to master this planet and now they nearly have no place in it.

Life makes no sense to me.  I believe this struggle to understand, to find meaning is a struggle that may be that which makes us human, but in this heady pursuit we may somehow be losing ourselves.  Do we want to create the world in our image to convince us of our meaningfulness?  Like a child who becomes bored with a new toy, does how we imagine ourselves become tedious and require to envision ourselves differently. I believe we yearn.  I yearn for a wholeness and togetherness, but seem to find confusion, desperation and loneliness. I don’t believe I am alone in my confusion. I believe this confusion is a result of trying to sum up an equation.

If we matter, how can we not be the answer. 1 + 0 = 1.  This desire to be everything may be the desire of all that is and is not. I don’t want to be in a world in which we become the plague that consumes all even though I feel this desire growing in me and in those around me.  I want to appreciate and I am very thankful to have this opportunity.