I had a successful day yesterday communicating with Bama.


8:58 am Thursday

It is Thursday.  I had a successful day yesterday communicating with Bama.

Communicating with her is easier with a realization I had working with her.

We are what we want.  She has not been able to express what she wants in any
detail for the last 6 months beyond the basics.  She has not
been.  She has been unseen and unheard.
She has not been. Me knowing she wanted to express “wants” helped limit
the conversation.  Then asking her yes or no questions made it
surprisingly easy to communicate with her.  I had a sense of success and fullness after
our conversation and I believe Bama did too.  She wants to communicate
more this morning.  I showed Ragnar what to do with simple yes or no
She is very desirous of communication.  I will work with her tonight again.

I want to appreciate more.  I want to be excited to wake up.  I want
to be excited about all the opportunities I have and we have as a family.  I am
noticing I wake up and I seem to be without motivation.  I am having a hard time locking
into something.
I seem to be without direction.  I want to make this place a paradise,
I place to inspire us, to provide hope and encourage appreciation.
I want to help contribute to making this a paradise.  I will get up
and start working on planting our garden.
I am thankful for this opportunity.