8:37 am Tuesday
It is Tuesday.
I feel poorly.
How else can I express this. My body and mind are both experiencing discomfort.
I seem to be generally in discomfort. I attribute this to being in poor physical condition.
This discomfort primarily resides in my lower and upper back.
This may have become my new normal. I know we all suffer and mine is fairly minor, but it is still troublesome.
I want to change dramatically.
It is funny this upper and lower back pain was gone when we lived at my mother’s and I was walking 6 miles a day. Now I live at the cabin. I don’t walk much and my back is very troublesome.
It would seem like a simple fix. Just walk more, but for some odd reason, I don’t.
I would venture the best way for me to appreciate more is simply to walk more.
Actively surround yourself with life and fitness
Try to walk more
Mindful, loving and generous to others.
I am thankful for this opportunity