Suffering is a funny thing.


11:55 am Friday

Suffering is a funny thing.

I find myself waking up with a low level of discomfort / pain.

I believe this is a tension.  I believe I am tense while I sleep.

Why do I have this tension, I don’t know.  I find myself wanting to

eat or find other ways to cut this discomfort.  I know this is very

common, it is what makes us human perhaps.  The challenge with

this discomfort is that it is not promoting appreciation and most of

what I do seems to be a very short term fix and perhaps makes the

pain grow or fuel it.  I believe I am not on the right path somehow.

I do believe the values of appreciation are what I want to pursue, but

I don’t believe I am being successful in how I am trying to practice appreciation.

I believe I need to be more active, to be in better physical condition.

I will try to walk more as planned to see if it helps.

I am thankful for this opportunity.