On The Trail Of Joy With My Dales Pony Arabella,  Galloping Up A Hill


1:28 pm Sunday

On The Trail Of Joy With My Dales Pony Arabella,  Galloping Up A Hill

We are in the process of reimagining our approach at Cascadia Heritage Farm. We as a family believe experiencing more joy on our farm is key to the success and longevity of promoting, preserving and showcasing these delightful critically endangered farm animals. We as a family also believe experiencing more joy as a family is key to harnessing appreciation and encouraging hope in us, those around us, and the world at large. One of the activities we can do as a family while pursuing joy and promote our mission is trail riding with our Dales Ponies.

It was Friday and that means a fun day! I helped Shuna get Taz, Arabella, and Bess. Shuna has done such a wonderful job training our ponies that we can take out Taz, a Stallion, out with two mares, Arabella and Bess.  If you saw the three of us out you might very well think Taz was a gelding.

I helped Shuna get the three ponies ready with picking their feet. I have only done this a few times before but they help me by holding their feet up with a little prompt. Shuna reminds me to check the girth before getting on, and make sure I have the reins over the head so I can steer and stop my pony. Viggo, our son, who is only six, is a much better ridder than I am.  He is ready and I lift him on. To be transparent, I am a little irritated. We have a call about the upcoming Washington State Fair Horse Breed Showcase in Puyallup that we will be participating in, and I am rushed to make it back for the call.

Something interesting and unexpected happens after I get on my pony Arabella: I start to relax. I have not ridden much in my life but I have heard that horse/ ponies can be therapeutic.   Shuna and Taz are in the lead and Viggo and Bess usually prefer to ride behind the rest, but Bess sometimes likes to race Arabella. I am relaxing as we go down the path surrounded by ferns, ocean spray, red huckleberries, bird calls, sun light, arching alders over our path, and flanking ancient Douglas Fir. I call back to Viggo,”How are doing, Viggo?” Viggo calls back, “Great!” I call forward to Shuna, “You’re looking beautiful!” She quietly says with a smile, “Thank you.”

Shuna our fearless leader leads us down a path less taken, off the main path. I am a little nervous because it is a fairly steep hill. Viggo does not mind at all and down we go.  It’s fun!  Arabella carefully picks her way down the hill and I am comfortable and confident.  We get down the hill and Shuna looks at her phone for the time and calls out, “Time to go back!”  Shuna turns Taz around and gets ahead of us.  Viggo has no problem turning Bess around and I also have no problem turning Arabella around with the reins and my leg.

Shuna called out, “Lets trot up the hill!” This is where the joy jumps into gear! It is an absolute blast to be trotting up the hill with this determined, spunky, energetic, intelligent pony. I laugh as we blaze up the hill. Shuna will disagree about what gait we were in, but I exclaimed, “We are galloping!”.  I am not sure if we were really but I know my soul took flight as this little pony bounded up the hill. What a pleasure it is to share this joy with her, my family, and now with you.

What we do matters, what you do matters.  Try to seek out joy, it will change your life and possibly the world.

I am thankful to have this experience.