An ugly truth, mud and chickens are not a good combination. This is the start for building the M.I.G.H.T Project!


10:35 am Friday

We had a big winter storm back in February of this year. I believe we had about a foot and half of snow. It was the most amount of snow we have seen up here since we got our farm in January of 2011. In this video the snow melted and made mud and I wanted to document a truth, life is not perfect and at times very ugly! Life is messy, sad, horrible, painful, disappointing, but supremely beautiful. Viggo is letting out the beasts, mostly asil chickens which are extremely resilient even under these very subpar conditions shown in our terrible poultry set up.

As you can see in this video it is full of mud and poop, I am embarrassed to show it. We at Cascadia Heritage Farm believe it is important to show the truth even if it is not our best face. We believe at Cascadia Heritage Farm that you too might be facing similar challenges at your farms or even metaphorically in your lives. We say it is OK. Don’t give up. Try to make improvements where you can.  If needed, scale down to what you can manage, ask for help.  Life is a strange place, and we don’t want to curate our experience to eliminate the ugliness, the failures, the disappointments because without those what meaning does beauty, success and hope have.  We at Cascadia Heritage Farm believe one needs to have hope sing out of the darkness to connect us all to our humanity to our empathy.

We are fortunate we have help and resources to improve our poultry set up. We are thankful for those who are helping us. I will be showing you in the coming weeks and months what we are doing to build a breeding facility for our M.I.G.H.T, Malay Invigoration Gene Hybridization Team, Project.  We want to breed and rewild tremendously healthy, vigorous, awe inspiring, hope generating giant birds. We might be successful, we might not be, but we are very thankful to have this opportunity, and want to encourage hope and appreciation in the world. Please don’t give up if you’re facing terrible challenges, ask for help, see if there is a different path that could work. We at Cascadia Heritage Farm believe hope is the armature that life itself strings its code, its essences, its DNA upon and perhaps this hope matters above all. We at Cascadia Heritage Farm believe we can make a difference and you can too.