9 year anniversary being married


8:29 am Thursday

I will go for a quick walk.

I still have not gotten into a good daily walk habit.  There always seems to be something to work on that distracts me.

I will get into this habit.

It is getting near the end of the month and year for my corporate job.  I was expecting more sales to close this month.

We have been working hard to sell more solutions.  These sales would be the outcome of these efforts.  I am disappointed we have not experienced the outcome I was planning for.  This is a common experience and I have learned that outcomes can jerk dramatically for and against our desired outcomes.

I will continue to try to appreciate, but boy it is not easy.

It is our  9 year anniversary being married and that is appreciated.  Having a partner and family to traverse this strange experience with is a comfort, an inspiration and gives me strength to keep trying.   Thank you Shuna for being my joyful, quirky, and beautiful duck on days that can seem joyless, dark and wet.

I am thankful for this opportunity.